berurusan secara jujur bahasa Inggris
- berurusan: come to grips with; consort; handle; manage; to
- secara: -ly; -wise; by; wise; in a way; precisely;
- secara jujur: squarely; honestly; plumb
- jujur: downright; good faith; honest; on the level;
- berurusan: come to grips with; consort; handle; manage; to do with; get hold of; reach; contact; meet; get through; deal; touch; adjoin
- berbuat secara jujur: act in good faith; acted in good faith; acting in good faith
- secara masuk akal/jujur: believably; credibly; credulously
- secara terbuka dan jujur: openly and honest
- secara tidak jujur: roguishly
- jujur: downright; good faith; honest; on the level; plausibly; sincere; straight; truthful; upright; honesty; candid; decent; forthright; guileless; incorruptible; just; plain; righteous; earnest; straight
- pintar berurusan: have a way with
- berbuat jujur: play fair; playing fair
- bermuka jujur: openfaced
- bertindak jujur: played fair; play fair; play the game
- dengan jujur: admitedly; on the square; guilelessly; outright; straightforwardly